P-06-1292 Make Welsh public sector organisations report scope 3 emissions and include them in net zero targets, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 03.04.22

There are just a couple of other questions I have and a couple of comments...


Thank you for taking the time to reply.

It is encouraging to see more reporting of scope 3 emissions from local authorities. I look forward to reading the analyses in the new year.

However it still appears inconsistent to encourage reporting of some scope 3 emissions but not others.

Given the increasing trend of better data due to the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosure would it not now make sense as the process evolves to include investment emissions within the Net Zero Reporting Guide?

What were the reasons for not including it originally, and do those reasons still apply now?


Over the years the journey towards net zero has been full of omissions. Ignoring the emissions we have offshored by buying goods from abroad, international shipping, aviation etc.

How can the Welsh Government claim an All Wales approach to net zero while allowing local authorities to omit a whole type of emissions?

Please do reconsider where those operational boundaries should be.


Regards Dylan Clarke